Are We Heading to Germany?

Suddenly, my companion points to a building straight ahead. At last! But here I am at the hotel, and Dan is some three miles away at the train station. And I haven't even the faintest idea how to find my way back to him. I thank her kindly, and we part. By this time, I'm so exhausted, I'm on the verge of tears. But I pull myself together and enter the hotel. I tell my plight to the young receptionist: "My husband and I want to spend the night here, but I'll have to find him first, and I've no idea where to begin."
No Rest for the Weary
Fortunately, Dan had parked at a landmark, the train station. The receptionist gives me a small map of the city, and highlights the route from the hotel, all the way back to the train station. This route in no way resembles the round-about way, through a back alley, etc., that Lady Beatrix took me on. I'm completely turned around. I thank the young girl and leave the hotel, praying I'll find my way back to Dan. But will he still be there? Perhaps he'd found out how to get to the hotel and he's on his way over. And I'd be roaming the streets of Leiden at midnight, searching for him. But thanks to the map, two hours later, I arrive back at our car. But it's empty! Where's Dan? Surely he'll be back soon. At least while I'm waiting for him, I can collapse on the comfortable car seat. But the car's locked! Shortly, Dan returns and, following the map, we head for our goal. Although we have to deal with one-way streets, canals, and narrow roads where cars are prohibited, with my great navigator, Dan, and our greatest Navigator, God, "Mission Impossible" becomes "Mission Accomplished."
A Bed at Last!
The Nieuw Minerva isn't new, but an older, pleasant hotel. We park alongside the canal that flows beside it. How good it feels to walk inside with Dan by my side. The receptionist greets us and says, "For all the trouble you've had to go through, I'll give you one of the larger rooms." We thank her for all her help and, with key in hand, we head up the stairs to a very nice, clean room. Dan and I sleep peacefully on our first night in Holland, in the lovely land of canals.
In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.
Psalm 4:8